

Status forår 2013:
Alle skilte og plancher er forlængst færdigproducerede, men vinteren trækker ud.
De skiltestandere, som skal graves ned i jorden, står klar hos en nabo, og nedgravning er foreløbig udsat til den. 10. april.

Til gengæld har to frivillige, Børge og Jens sat de nye plancher op i skjulene og på planchehalvtaget ved indgangen.

Status spring 2013:
All signs and information boards are produced and ready for being mounted but the winter has no end.
All the material that needs digging to be put in the soil are now stored at a neighbours place.
The work is expected to be done on April 10th.

Concerning the large informationboards by the entrance and in the two birds hides,
they have succesfully been put up by two volunteers, Børge and Jens.


P:E. Andreassen i Ringe har printet og trykt alle plancher og skilte.
The information boards and signs was printed by P.E. Andreassen, Ringe

Således også de små LIFE/Natura 2000 skilte.
As well as these small LIFE/Natura 2000-signs.

Her skiftes en eksisterende planche. LIFE projektet vises her på et meget synligt sted: ved p-pladsen i Bøjden Færgehavn, lige ved siden af fuglereservatet.
An existing information board is being changed.
This way the LIFE-project is very visible: right beside the parking of the ferry harbour, next to the birds sanctuary.

Børge med den nye planche i Klydeskjulet. Planchen fortæller om nogle af strandengens arter. De dejlige tegninger er lavet af

Carl Christian Tofte
Volounter Børge with the new information board in birdshide "Klydeskjulet".
The issue is the salt meadow and the species there. The wonderfull drawings are made by Carl Christian Tofte

I Bjergandeskjulet kan man lære mere om overdrev og de arter, som LIFE-projektet tilgodeser.
In birdshide "Bjergandeskjulet" the issue is dry grassland and the species that are taken into account
by the LIFE-programme.

Her er Jens ved at skifte en eksisterende informationstavle ved indgangen. Bl.a. er kortet blevet opdateret.

Volunteer Jens is working on the information board by the entrance. An existing board is renewed, including a new map.

Det var en kold omgang i Påskeøsten, men de fik både mosehornugle og rød glente med - tak Jens og Børge!

Working in the icecold wind - cold fingers and red noses - thank you Jens and Børge!
Luckily both Short-eared Owl and Red Kite showed up.